Important Notice: Be aware of the fraudulent SMS and website
Important Notice: Beware of fraudulent SMS and website
HKeToll alerts members of the public to a fraudulent SMS message purportedly issued by HKeToll. The fraudulent SMS claims that the recipient’s automatic payment failed and it should be handled immediately. It provides a hyperlink to a fake HKeToll website, which carries the HKeToll logo and seeks to obtain the recipient's credit card information. HKeToll clarifies that it has no connection with the fraudulent SMS and website. HKeToll is stringently following up on the case and has already reported the case to the Police.
The following are screenshots of the bogus SMS received by members of the public and the fraudulent website. Please stay vigilant and do NOT click on the link if you receive such SMS.
For enquiries, please call the HKeToll customer service hotline at
3853 7333 or via email
20 Mar 2023