Be aware of the fraudulent website
HKeToll alerts members of the public to the following fraudulent website addresses which pretend to be the HKeToll and seek to deceive users into making payments and obtain their credit card information:

1. https[:]//hktollpa[.]top/auto
2. https[:]//hktollea[.]top/auto
3. https[:]//htollspe[.]top/auto
4. https[:]//htioll[.]top/auto
5. https[:]//hetollis[.]top/auto
6. https[:]//htolsl[.]top/auto
7. https[:]//htollde[.]top/ auto
8. https[:]//hketllis[.]top/auto
9. https[:]//hrkllsd[.]top/auto
10. https[:]//hstolle[.]top/auto
11. https[:]//hktollsj[.]top/auto
12. https[:]//hketolltc[.]top/hk
13. https[:]//hketolli[.]vip/hk
14. https[:]//hketolletc[.]top/hk
15. https[:]//hketollnov[.]site/hk
16. https[:]//hketollpay[.]site/hk
17. https[:]//hkaul[.]top/hk
18. https[:]//hkautol[.]vip/etc
19. https[:]//autoll[.]shop/hk

HKeToll clarifies that it has no connection with the fraudulent SMS messages and websites. Members of the public should stay alert when receiving unidentified messages. They should not visit suspicious websites or disclose any personal information. For enquiries, please call the HKeToll customer service hotline at 3853 7333 or via email enquiry@hketoll.gov.hk.

29 November 2024
Be aware of the fraudulent website